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DAY 30

Choose faith over fear.

There's Water in the Rock- Stacey Sumereau

When they thirsted, they called upon you, and water was given them from the sheer rock, a quenching of their thirst from the hard stone. You gave them abundant water beyond their hope -Wisdom 11:4,7

STAY STRONG for however long quarantine lasts, my friends. I can't wait for our next initiative as a community!

0:00- Message

6:04- FAQ'S

7:29- Thank yous

Connect with my YES team:

Livestream: Dan Johnson- 4pm Media and Wild Goose TV

Social Media Images: Kathryn Whitaker 

Vendor Hall Coordination: Liv Harrison and Shannon Wendt

Video Editing: Nick and Alina De La Torre

Opening Music: Hannah Schaefer

"Take Courage" Musicians: Treelily Music

Moral Support: John Sumereau

Donations gratefully accepted!

After operating costs, proceeds split equally among contributors 

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Take Courage- BNA Closing Video Montage

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, everyone who sent in a video!

Thank you Melissa and Stephen for your beautiful song "Take Courage"

Thank you Nick and Alina De La Torre for you incredible video editing skills

Music by Melissa and Stephen Davies (TreeLily Music)

TreeLily Music website

Social @treelilymusic

Video editing by Nick and Alina De La Torre

Nick and Alina's website

Awaken Catholic- lots of free resources!

Social @nickandalina

Looking for a spouse? is a dating site for Catholics. Their mission is to facilitate friendships, marriages, and wholesome relationships that glorify God. Join their growing community of Catholic singles and see why Catholic leaders call them the faithful and attractive Catholic dating site with more ways to connect. Free til the end of April- hop on it!

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