Sizzle Reel
Attendee Testimonies
Whether speaking to a crowd of thousands or thirty, Stacey's talks make a dynamite impact. Her genuineness, energy, gift for storytelling, and depth of insight have garnered engagements at the National Catholic Youth Conference, the LA Religious Education Congress, and diocesan and parish events and retreats around the country. Her unique style of incorporating singing and even optional fire-eating into her talks guarantees audiences stay engaged, and her ability to connect to the heart of an issue deeply moves all who hear her.
Selected Topics
From Vocational to Daily Decisions:
What Am I Doing With My Life?
Overwhelm, anxiety, FOMO, and fear of commitment characterize today's young generations. We all wonder "how will I know when it's the right decision?" If handing your life and decisions over to God sounds scary, then this talk is a must. Stacey will take the anxiety out of hearing your callings not just for your vocational discernment, but every major life choice. Make steps in the right direction with confidence and grow an authentic relationship with God that will answer the deepest desires of your heart. God's adventure awaits!
Ideal for Theology on Taps, vocations events, diocesan retreats, young adult events, schools and colleges, and parish events

Whose Reflection Do You See in the Mirror?
Do you sometimes wish you could be someone else? Do you wish God had made you prettier, sexier or more popular? Does comparing yourself to other people hold you back from feeling truly free and happy? Our culture lies to us every day and attempts to tear us away from the beautiful vision God has for us. Despite a successful career as a touring Broadway performer, Stacey underwent years of self-image anxiety and comparison culminating in an eating disorder. She will arm you with effective strategies to reclaim your true identity and win the lifelong battle for self-worth.
Ideal for teen retreats or events, women's conferences, schools and colleges, parishes and diocesan retreats

Adventure Awaits! How to Hear God Speak
Think God only wants to speak to the great saints? Think again. God wants to speak to YOU, and the ways he will are as creative as he is! In this talk, Stacey Sumereau, author of Adventure Awaits: How to Interpret Your Desires and Hear God's Voice, shares her testimony of learning to slowly trust God to move from stiff, inauthentic prayer to a deep and fulfilling relationship. Stacey guides listeners through St. Teresa of Avila's and St. Ignatius's methods for deep and authentic communication with the Lord, as well as guidelines for discerning God's voice from the enemy's. Attendees will take away seven practical ways to seek God's voice in daily life. This talk concludes with a guided Ignatian-style prayer meditation.
Ideal for keynotes, conferences, retreats, Theology on Tap, schools and colleges, and parish-wide events

Self-Worth in the Digital Age
There's no doubt about it: the internet is here to stay. Isolation, depression, and suicide are on the rise in youth and young adults. Comparison, competition, and loneliness are becoming alarmingly prevalent. How do we learn to use the internet without letting it use us? Where does our worth truly come from? How do we genuinely connect with each other? In this talk, Stacey demonstrates how a "Kingdom mindset" and an intimate relationship with our Creator are the antidote to some of the Western World's biggest problems.
Ideal for youth and young adult keynotes, retreats, Theology on Tap, schools and colleges, and parish-wide events

The Universal Feminine Call to Motherhood
Pope St. John Paul the Great wrote, "The moral and spiritual strength of a woman is joined to her awareness that God entrusts the human being to her in a special way." In a society becoming increasingly confused about gender, individualistic, and isolated, women today need formation and encouragement to heroically live their call to self-donation. Stacey elucidates and expands on the teachings contained in Pope St. JP II's Mulieris Dignitatem. Women in all stages and walks of life will learn the four key virtues needed for our universal call to motherhood (whether spiritual, physical, or both,) and how to acquire and live them in today's world.
Ideal for any diocesan, parish, or women's event for women of all ages
"Stacey was very well received by the young people as one of our workshop speakers at NCYC. So well in fact, that we invited her back to do more! She was a joy to work with and her enthusiasm is refreshing."
-Michael Thiesen, Director of Ministry Formation, National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry
"Your talk was nothing short of amazing! Thank you for the gift of sharing your faith."
-Retreat Attendee
"Thank you for sharing your talents with all of us! I was deeply moved."
-Retreat Attendee
"Stacey is the type of speaker that our church NEEDS. Having seen her speak to teens and adults, I can attest that her influence is long--lasting. Her enthusiasm and love are genuine. I have no doubt that God has placed Stacey in this role to genuinely impact our beautiful Church."
-Dave Neeson, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Indianapolis
"Having Stacey come and speak to our Parish about her paths on her journey provides much of the insight needed to assist our parishioners on their own journeys, regardless of age or place in life. Her approach to telling her story is profound and meaningful for anyone, from middle schoolers beginning their faith journey to adults who have journeyed for many years."
-Brendan Bagley, Director of High School Education, Our Lady of Victory Parish, State College, PA
"Your talks were so motivational to me and really impacted my life and and my understanding of why I go through what I go through. It taught me to be patient even when things don’t as planned."
-Retreat Attendee
"I was so deeply moved as I am struggling so long to follow God's will in my life, in my marriage, my job, and my relationship with my husband. Thank you so much for this inspiring talk!"
-Retreat Attendee
"Stacey was wonderful at our event! Very talented, right on with our theme. Great with the kids. They loved her. My team loved her also!"
-Kathy Loney, Diocese of Fargo