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Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate




Evangelization, religious instructions, outreach to straying Catholics

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Monroe NY, Bronx NY, Clifton Heights PA, Carefree AZ, Philippines, Nigeria

Patron Saints/Famous Saints of the Community

Mary’s visitation to her cousin Elizabeth combined deep prayerfulness with outreach to someone in need, and so Mary is the model for our contemplative-missionary vocation.

Saint Joseph has always been our patron and protector. He, as the “man of the house,” takes care of us in so many ways!

Our saintly foundress is now a Servant of God. Her life of heroic virtue, and her books, are a great inspiration to us.


In imitation of the Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd, Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate combine a contemplative prayer life with missionary visitation to parish families, and religious instruction. We are contemplative-missionaries!

We are neighborhood missionaries, imitating Christ’s own way of life through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience; bringing the message and love of the Good Shepherd to all; seeking, especially in parish neighborhoods, those Catholics most spiritually deprived and distant from the Church.

We do this in the name of the parish pastor, who knows that, in addition to the faithful Catholics, there are many others who have strayed away or are living on the fringes of the Catholic faith. These souls are dear to the Good Shepherd, who came to seek out and bring back the lost sheep. This is the New Evangelization called for by the Church!

To be a missionary is to go out to the people, not just to wait for them to come to us—whether these people live nearby or far away! Mission territory is not just in foreign countries, but also right here! The Sisters visit families and individuals where they live, door-to-door, as well as along the way, in order to win souls for Christ.

Parish Visitors reach out to persons as a friend, with compassion and gentleness, while upholding the teachings of the Church. A typical conversation begins, “Has anyone in this household ever been baptized Catholic?” This simple question has begun the process of re-evangelizing hundreds of thousands of those who have strayed from Jesus. The Sisters strive to draw each person into closer union with Him.

Religious instruction, informally in homes or in small groups or formal parish classes, helps adults, children, and teens respond to the love of God with their whole heart, so the gift of faith may become more living, conscious and active in them. We have a special love for those who are spiritually neglected, especially the children.

In this age of technology, our face-to-face, heart-to-heart apostolate has more power than ever.

Pope Francis said:
“The Church must be in the streets: seek the people, go to homes, visit families, go to the outskirts.”

Our foundress, Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, said:
“We must go out of our peaceful convent through the streets into the byways, and mount stairs....”

To summarize our Apostolate:

 Visiting families, in the name of the parish pastor, seeking especially the neglectful Catholics

 In a person-to-person, heart-to-heart way, gently and compassionately, making the truth of Jesus lovable, while upholding the teachings of the Church

 Aiding Catholic families to connect more deeply with Jesus and His Church

 Instructing children and youth in the faith, with a special love and concern for those who are spiritually neglected

 Helping teens and young adults grow closer to Jesus, through youth ministry, campus ministry, and World Youth Days at our motherhouse

 While recognizing that spiritual hunger is greater than material needs, helping people to find ways to obtain social service assistance

Our contemplative prayer life is what gives power to our apostolate! We are truly God’s instruments!

We strive to imitate the Sacred Heart of the Good Shepherd, and Mary in her Visitation to Elizabeth, as we go forth to invite others to deeper communion with Jesus and His Church.


The Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate were founded in 1920 in New York City by Servant of God Mother Mary Teresa Tallon. Born on a farm in upstate New York, she later became a Sister in a teaching community. She saw the need all around her, of those who weren’t being reached by the Catholic schools or the church, especially the neglected children.

After a number of years she realized God was calling her to begin a new community, one dedicated to contemplation, outreach to the straying, and religious instructions. After years of struggle she was able to begin the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate on August 15, 1920. Our 100th anniversary is this year!

We now serve in the United States (New York, Pennsylvania, and Arizona) and in the Philippines and Nigeria. We are a papal congregation, happy to be faithful daughters of the Church.

We have Sisters in formation in the United States, Nigeria, and Philippines. Nigeria has its own formation program, and we are in the process of building a formation house in the Philippines. Look on our website ( for some photos!

Prayer Life

 Daily Mass together

 Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer of the Divine Office in community, and Night Prayer

 A daily Holy Hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament

 A half hour of meditation, the rosary, Scripture reading and other spiritual reading

 Monthly retreat day and annual retreat of eight days

 And a spirit of prayerfulness throughout the day enabling us to find God’s presence in everything

In imitation of Jesus, who was chaste, poor, and obedient, we offer God our vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. At final vows we also receive a mission crucifix with this beautiful prayer: “Receive this crucifix as a sign of your perpetual dedication to Jesus Crucified, so that united to Him you may be a willing holocaust for the redemption of the most abandoned souls.”

As contemplative-missionaries in the midst of parish life, we strive constantly and in a variety of ways and places to inspire in children of all ages that simple statement of faith, “There He is in the Blessed Sacrament!” Through a vibrant prayer life and apostolate, we are blessed to speak with and without words, as witnesses to Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist. Love of the Eucharist is a special part of our heritage as Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate.


Our community life is a life of simplicity and Sisterly charity, joining Sisters from various states and countries into one family.

We are privileged to wear our community habit as a sign to the world of our consecration and a witness to poverty.

Those who have visited a Parish Visitor convent know what a special place it is. More important than being our home, it is Jesus’ home. He is with us, living in our chapel. So, it isn’t surprising that the first place we want to take visitors is to our chapel so that they can spend a little time with Our Lord.

We are happy to share in common what God provides for our life together in the Lord.

We have a lot of fun together, too! Religious life is not somber or boring! Recreation includes games, singing and doing enjoyable things together! As our foundress said, "God expects us to have a good community life, to pray well, to work faithfully and to play cheerfully."

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