Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony
The Single Servant: Discerning and Living out the Diaconate in the Modern World
Deacon Anthony invites you to come on a 20 minute adventure that is sure to make you smile, think, and give you deeper insights into the Diaconate and your own personal discernment. He will show how being a single (celibate) permanent deacon is a fulfilling vocation by painting a magnificent picture of who the deacon is as well as what he does in the life of the Church and world since the deacon has one foot in both. This talk will help all who are discerning and trying to find God's call in their lives as well as anyone who has ever wondered what is the deacon.
Deacon Gerard-Marie Anthony is a celibate deacon for the Arlington Diocese. He received his B.A in Theology from Christendom College and his M.A in Theology from the Catholic Distance University. He also has earned his Virginia Catholic Education Teaching Certification through George Mason University.
Deacon Anthony is a prolific writer. He has written for numerous magazines and newspapers including Deacon Digest, Lay Witness, Our Sunday Visitor, Liguorian Magazine, Ethics and Medics for the National Catholic Bioethics Center, The Catholic Stand, The Arlington Catholic Herald, and many more. He also has been on EWTN radio on numerous occasions with guest appearances with Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo and the SonRise Morning Show and is the special guest on EWTN show “The Church Universal.”
Gerard-Marie Anthony is a theologian, author, apologist, and religion/bioethics teacher and worked with teens and young adults for over 20 years. He is a long-time member of the world’s largest lay apostolic organization, the Legion of Mary and a board member of The Mother of Light Center which brings the love of God to the poor and forgotten in society as well as A M.O.M.S Peace which brings comfort to mothers/families who are experiencing miscarriage or stillbirths. In his spare time runs an apologetics website now found at (formerly He also is a member of Black Catholic Ministries and Evangelization board for the Arlington Diocese. Deacon Anthony also gives talks for people of all ages including Young adult groups, Confirmation retreats, and adult education.
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Dcn. Gerard
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