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Let God's Word Power Your Workout
Full-length workout videos for people of all abilities. Infused with scripture to stretch your mind and body. Totally free.
Scroll down or View Full Playlist on YouTube here.
Stacey is also available to lead workouts in combination with speaking at live events or virtually.
Stretch Videos
DEEP Stretch and Surrender Prayer
15 min deep stretch and surrender prayer.
Ideal paired with workout, stretch/prayer break to relieve stress, or to start or end the day in God's presence.
Difficulty level 1/5.
Litany of Trust + REJUVENATING Stretch
13 min deep stretch + Litany of Trust prayer. Difficulty level: 1/5.
No equipment needed.
Modifications provided.
Workout Videos
Warm-up included.
4 Rounds 2x through.
Each round contains a HITT, Lower + Upper body exercise.
Difficulty level: 4/5.
No equipment needed.
Modifications provided.
10-Minute Total-Body SWEATFEST
Warm-up included.
Intense 10-min workout.
Difficulty level: 5/5.
No equipment needed.
Modifications provided.
Scripture-Inspired HIIT Workout
28 min.
Warm-up and cool-down included.
4 rounds twice through each.
Total body workout, 28 min.
No equipment needed.
Difficulty level: 4/5.
Modifications provided.
Scripture-Inspired HIIT Workout
Warm-up included.
23-min workout.
Difficulty level: 4/5.
No equipment needed.
Modifications provided.
Kickboxing Workout for Confidence and Purpose
Warm-up included.
Total body workout, 25 minutes.
Difficulty level: 3/5.
No equipment needed.
Modifications provided.
Sweat and Scripture in 7 Min: Arms
No warm-up.
Short stretch afterward.
7 minutes arms focus.
Difficulty level: 3/5.
Dumbbells/hand weights.
Sweat and Scripture in 7 Min: Legs
Short warm-up included.
7 minutes legs focus.
Difficulty level: 3/5.
No equipment needed.
Catholic Strong Abs
No warm-up.
Short cooldown stretch.
7 minutes abs focus.
Difficulty level: 3/5.
No equipment required.
TOTAL BODY Strength and Cardio Workout for Energy and Power
Warm-up and cool-down included.
35-minute total body workout alternating strength and cardio intervals.
Dumbbells recommended.
Difficulty level: 3/5.
Low-impact modifications included.
SURPRISINGLY CHALLENGING Full-Body Burnout With 5-lb Weights (+Scripture Inspirations)
26 min.
Difficulty: 3/5
5-lb weights optional.
Warm-up included.
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