Welcome to True North!
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” -Bilbo Baggins
Nice move! You're a lifetime member of the True North Course. Below, find links to all videos, worksheets, and transcripts for Modules 1-5. I hope you'll come back again and again to True North in order for the principles to sink in and take root in your heart.
Please email Stacey with any questions or technical issues: staceysumereau@gmail.com
Module 1: Set Your Compass

Video 1
The Navigation Model that clears up confusion
Focusing on WHO rather than WHAT
Why vocation and career are less important than you think

Video 2
What is discernment, really?
The benefits and necessity of waiting- everyone’s least favorite part
Which areas are out of our control, (and yes, that’s a good thing)
Why we should always be discerning

Video 3
Your circle of control
How to expand your control
Set a realistic, achievable action goal for the Course
Module 2: Anchored in God

Module 3: Your True Self

Video 1
Why your vocation won’t fulfill you
Vocational readiness evaluation
Identify untrue paradigms

Video 2
Examined vs. unexamined beliefs (paradigms)
Identify paradigms you have about yourself
Your true identity as beloved and adopted

Video 3
How the brain develops negative thought patterns
A practical method to master a healthy mindset
Four more strategies to support and sustain a truthful self-image
Module 4: Wanderlust, Desires and Dreams

Module 5: Embark with Courage